Isnin, 27 September 2010


Heart is your Love,
Your love is
your Family ,
Your family is your Future ,
Your future is your Destiny ,

Your destiny is your Ambition,

Your ambition is your
Aspiration ,
Your aspiration is your
Motivation ,
Your motivation is your Belief

Your belief is your Peace ,

Your peace is your Target ,

Your target is your Friends,
Life is no fun without
It's ' World Best Friends Week' send this
to all your good friends.
Even me, if I am one of them. See how many you get
If you get more than 3 you are
really a lovable person.. I am waiting

Isnin, 16 Ogos 2010

kegagalan yang terpaksa gagal....

Kegagalan yang terpaksa gagal kepada….. ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Abraham Lincoln ialah insan yang dilahirkan oleh ‘ibu’ kemiskinan, didodoi dengan irama lagu penderitaan yang pilu, dan bertatih di atas hamparan kemelaratan yang tegar.Kediamannya, sebuah pondok usang di pinggir pekan Kentucky,( pada tahun 1809),ayahnya mengukir nafkah keluarga dengan menjadi pemotong kayu dan ibunya hanya penyubur sifat merdesa serta kasih sayang. Dalam kepincangan inilah, Abraham, cuba mencari kesyumulan,dalam kesempitan hidup ini dia cuba mencari keluasan alam sarwajagat, dalam kebobrokkan dunia sekeliling dia cuba mencari “ kiblat” pedoman untuk hidup sebagai manusia yang bebas merdeka daripada penjara kemunduran.

Kemelut hidup, memaksa beliau untuk mencari dan melakukan anjakan paradigma.Pencarian tulus ini, telah menzahirkan jalan yang boleh membawanya ke mercu kejayaan.Ya, ilmu pendidikan.Ilmu pendidikan..Dia pasrah kepada ilmu pendidikan, dia sujud kepada buku yang menjadi wahana ilmu, dia mula mengisikan jiwa dan minda dengan ilmu pengetahuan…fatanah dan fikrahnya disuburkan dengan ilmu semata-mata..Dia bukan merangkak lambat seperti seekor siput babi untuk mencari buku…Dia berlari pantas ibarat seekor kuda liar, sehingga 20 batu untuk mendapatkan buku….mengemis buku yang ada daripada rakan-rakan yang tahu akan kemaslahatan ilmu sebagai kunci kemerdekaaan minda manusia. Keghairahan menghayati ilmu secara tuntas telah menjadikan beliau seorang cendekiawan tersohor.Balasan kepada orang yang menjadi hamba ilmu ialah, dia sendiri akan menjadi tuan kepada ilmu itu…inilah hukum alam yang telah menjadi kenyataan dalam kehidupan Abraham.. kerana ilmu cendekia terjana……… kerjaya Peguam Undang-undang mampu dijulang di sanggar buana.

Namun, kejayaan dirinya langsung tidak menjadika beliau manusia yang puas. Kini ,walaupaun berada di puncak angkasa, cakerawala pemikirannya masih berpasak pada erti kemiskinan, manusia dan kemanusiaan. Beliau telah melihat ke bawah sekali lagi bagaimana beliau sendiri telah di besarkan oleh dunia penderitaan itu. Beliau mahu menjadi pembela golongan pinggiran dan marhaen.Beliau telah melihat sendiri penderitaan segolongan manusia yang berlainan warna kulit. Kaum Negro yang dibawa dari Afrika Selatan..menjadi hamba abdi yang setaraf binatang di Amerika Syarikat.Orang Putih ( kaum kerabatnya ) telah menjadikan orang-orang Negro hamba abdi yang tiada maruah.Pada masa inilah tercetus dalam minda Abraham bahawa dia tidak boleh terus menjadi orang biasa…dia perlu membuat pilihan…menjadi lebih baik atau terus mati. Ilmu yang dimiliknya perlu digunakan untuk kebaikan manusia sejagat, bukan untuk diri dan keluarga semata-mata…suara kemanusiaan sejagat telah menjadi suara hatinya untuk terus berjuang memerdekakan golongan hamba abdi di bumi Amerika…

Kekuatan swadaya dan ilmu yang dimiliki telah digunakan untuk membebaskan golongan Kulit Hitam daripada perhambaan lantas, membersihkan nama Amerika- daripada negara yang tidak memiliki perikemanusiaan, kepada negara yang memperjuangkan Hak Kemanusiaan Sejagat sehingga kini. Setelah megharungi “kegagalan bersiri” (gagal dalam perniagaan – 1831,gagal menjadi ahli badan perundangan- 1932, gagal dalam perniagaan- 1833,gangguan urat saraf- 1836, gagal menjadi Speaker Dewan -1838, gagal dalam pilihan raya- 1840, gagal menjadi pemimpin Parti Kongres -1843, gagal merebut kerusi Parti kongres- 1848, dipecat menjadi senator -1855, gagal menjadi timbalan Presiden- 1856,gagal menjadi senator -1858), akhirnya pada tahun 1860 dipilih menjadi Presiden Amerika Syarikat yang ke -16, setelah beliau menggembleng upaya untuk menggagalkan “kegagalan” itu sendiri.

Terserlah jelas,kegagalan yang dikatakan mempunyai kuasa …sebenarnya telah ditumpaskan oleh manusia yang berjiwa kental ini.Beliau juga mentafsirkan kerajaan Demokrasi Amerika dengan kata-kata ‘ kerajaan dari rakyat,oleh rakyat dan untuk rakyat.Beliaulah yang mencanangkan, bahawa rakyat merupakan “raja” dalam pemerintahan Demokrasi. Personaliti unggul ini telah mencipta hidupnya dalam alam semesta yang tersendiri.Citra diri dan sejarah manusia agung ini akan hidup sebagai jurubicara kemanusiaan sejagat, kekal terpahat dalam benak pemikiran orang-orang yang mahu menanjak keterampilan diri,nusa dan bangsa.Sesungguhnya Abraham Lincoln,teratai yang pernah hidup cantik di kolam yang berlumpur.

Jumaat, 6 Ogos 2010

..Falsafah di sebalik bentuk SivaLingga

Sivalingam is NOT Sex Symbol BUT It's SHAPE of Pineal Gland in Head Between BrainS

..Bimasakti di dalam badan..?

The Energy Body

“The second body, pranamaya kosha, gives you a new freedom, gives you more space. The second body is bigger than the first; it is not confined to your physical body. It is inside the physical body and it is outside the physical body. It surrounds you like a subtle climate, an aura of energy. Now in Soviet Russia they have discovered that photographs can be taken of the energy body. They call it bioplasma, but it exactly means prana. The energy, elan vital, or what Taoists call chi, it can be photographed now. Now it has become almost scientific.

“One very great discovery has been made in Soviet Russia, and that is: before your physical body suffers some illness, the energy body suffers it — six months before. Then it happens to the physical body. If you are going to have tuberculosis or cancer or any other illness, your energy body starts showing indications of it six months before. No examination, no testing of the physical body shows anything, but the electric body starts showing it. First it appears in the pranamaya kosha, then it enters into the annamaya kosha.

“So now they say that it has become possible to treat a person before he has fallen ill. Once it becomes so, then there is no need for humanity to fall ill. Before you become aware that you are ill, your photographs by Kirlian methods will show that some illness is going to happen to your physical body. It can be prevented in the pranamaya kosha.

“That’s why yoga insists very much on the purity of breathing, because the pranamaya kosha is made of a subtle energy that travels inside you with the breathing. If you breathe rightly, your pranamaya kosha remains healthy and whole and alive.

“Such a person never feels tired. Such a person is always available to do anything. Such a person is always responsive, always ready to respond to the moment, ready to take the challenge. He is always ready; you will never find him unprepared for any moment. Not that he plans for the future, no, but he has so much energy that whatsoever happens he is ready to respond. He has overflowing energy.

“Natural breathing has to be understood. Watch small children, they breathe naturally. That’s why small children are so full of energy. The parents are tired, but they are not tired.

“From where does the energy come? It comes from pranamaya kosha. A child breathes naturally, and of course breathes more prana in, more chi in, and accumulates it in his belly. The belly is the accumulating place, the reservoir. Watch a child; that is the right way to breathe. When a child breathes, his chest is completely unaffected. His belly goes up and down. He breathes as if from the belly. All children have a little belly; that belly is there because of their breathing and the reservoir of energy.

“That is the right way to breathe; remember not to use your chest too much. Sometimes it can be used — in emergency periods. You are running to save your life; then the chest can be used. It is an emergency device. Then you can use shallow, fast breathing, and run. But ordinarily the chest should not be used. And one thing to be remembered: the chest is meant only for emergency situations because it is difficult in an emergency situation to breathe naturally, because if you breathe naturally you remain so calm and quiet you cannot run, you cannot fight. You are so calm and collected you are buddhalike. And in an emergency — the house is on fire — if you breathe naturally you will not be able to save anything. Or a tiger jumps upon you in a forest and if you go on breathing naturally you will not be bothered; you will say, “Okay, let him do whatsoever he wants.” You will not be able to protect yourself.

“So nature has given an emergency device; the chest is an emergency device. When a tiger attacks you, you have to drop natural breathing and you have to breathe from the chest. Then you will have more capacity to run, to fight, to burn energy fast. And in an emergency situation there are only two alternatives: flight or fight. Both need a very shallow but intense energy...shallow, but a very disturbed, tense state.

“If you continuously breathe from the chest, you will have tensions in your mind. If you continuously breathe from the chest, you will always be afraid because the chest breathing is meant to be only in fearful situations. And if you have made it a habit then you will be continuously afraid, tense, always in flight. The enemy is not there, but you will imagine the enemy is there. That’s how paranoia is created.

“Watch a child and that is the natural breathing, and breathe that way. Let your belly come up when you inhale, let your belly go down when you exhale. And let it be in such a rhythm it becomes almost a song in your energy, a dance — with rhythm, with harmony — and you will feel so relaxed, so alive, so vital that you cannot imagine that such vitality is possible.”

Osho, Yoga: The Path to Liberation, Talk #1

..antara kesakitan dan kehidupan

Physical labor has become a shameful act.

A Western thinker, Albert Camus, has written jokingly, in one of his letters, that a time will come when people will start asking their servants to make love for them. If someone falls in love with somebody, he will appoint a servant to go and make love on his behalf!

This can happen some day. We have already started getting everything done by others; love is the only thing which we still do ourselves. We appoint others to pray for us. We employ a priest and tell him to pray on our behalf, to do the rituals on our behalf. We appoint a priest in the temple and tell him to worship on our behalf. Even the things like prayer and worship we are getting done by our servants. So if we are getting our servants to worship for us, it is not unthinkable that some day wise people will tell their servants to make love to their beloved on their behalf. What is the difficulty? And those who will not be able to afford servants to do their job, will feel ashamed that they are so poor that they have to make love themselves.

It is possible someday because there is so much in life which is significant but which we are now getting done by our servants! And we are not at all aware of what we have lost by losing the significant things.

All the strength, all the vitality of life is lost because man’s body and man’s being have been created for a certain amount of labor, and now he has been spared from all that work.

Right labor is also an essential part in the awakening of man’s consciousness and energy.

One morning Abraham Lincoln was polishing his shoes in his house. One of his friends who was visiting him, said, “Lincoln! What are you doing? You polish your own shoes?”

Lincoln said, “You surprise me! Do you polish other people’s shoes? I am polishing my own shoes; do you polish others’ shoes?”

The friend said, “No, no, I get my shoes polished by others!”

Lincoln said, “It is worse to get your shoes polished by others than to polish others’ shoes.”

What does it mean? It means that we are losing our direct contact with life. Our direct contacts with life are those that come through labor.

In the time of Confucius, about three thousand years ago, Confucius once went to visit a village. In a garden he saw an old gardener and his son pulling water out of a well. For the old man the work of drawing water out of a well was very difficult even with the help of his son. And the old man was very old.

Confucius wondered if this old man did not know that bulls and horses were now being used to draw water out of the well. He was drawing it himself. He was using such old methods!

So Confucius went to the old man and said, “My friend! Don’t you know that there has been a new invention? People are drawing water out of wells with the help of horses and bulls. Why are you doing it yourself?”

The old man said, “Speak softly, speak softly! For me, it does not matter what you say but I am afraid my young son may hear you.”

Confucius asked, “What do you mean?”

The old man replied, “I know about these inventions, but all inventions like this take man away from labor. I do not want my son to become disconnected, because the day he becomes disconnected from labor, he will be disconnected from life itself.”

Life and labor are synonymous. Life and labor have the same meaning. But slowly, slowly we have started calling those people who do not have to do physical exertion, fortunate, and those who have to do physical exertion, unfortunate. And in a way it has become so, because in a way many people have dropped doing labor so some people have to do too much labor. Too much labor kills one. Too little labor also kills one.

Hence I said “Right labor. Proper distribution of physical labor.” Each person should do some physical labor. The more intensely, the more blissfully, the more gratefully a man enters the labor part of his life, the more he will find that his life-energy has started moving down from the brain closer to the navel. For labor neither the brain nor the heart is needed. The energy for labor is derived directly from the navel. This is its source.

Along with the right diet a little physical labor is very essential. And it is not that it should be in the interest of others — that if you serve the poor, it benefits the poor; if you go to a village and do farming, it benefits the farmers; if you are doing some labor, you are doing a great social service. These are all false things. It is for your own sake, not for anyone else’s sake. It is not concerned with benefiting anybody else. Someone else may benefit by it, but primarily it is for your own good.

When Churchill retired, one of my friends went to see him at his house. In his old age, Churchill was digging and planting some plants in his garden. My friend asked him some questions about politics. Churchill said, “Drop it! Now it is over. Now if you want to ask me something, you can ask me about two things. You can ask me about the Bible, because I read it at home, and you can ask me about gardening because I do it here in the garden. Now I have no concern about politics. That race is over. Now I am doing labor and prayer.”

When my friend returned he said to me, “I do not understand what kind of man Churchill is. I thought he would give me some answers. But he said he was doing labor and prayer.”

I told him, “Saying labor and prayer is a repetition. Labor and prayer mean the same, they are synonymous. And the day that labor becomes prayer and prayer becomes labor is the day that right labor is attained.”

A little labor is very essential but we have not paid any attention to it. Not even the traditional sannyasins of India paid any attention to labor; they refrained from doing it. There was no question of their doing it. They simply moved in another direction. Rich people stopped laboring because they had money and they could pay for it and sannyasins stopped because they had nothing to do with the world. They neither had to create anything, nor did they have to earn money, so what did they need labor for? The result was that two respected classes of society moved away from labor.

So those in whose hands labor remained, slowly, slowly became disrespected.

For a seeker labor has great significance and usefulness...not because you will produce something from it but because the more you are involved in some kind of labor, the more your consciousness will start becoming centered. It will start coming downwards from the brain. It is not necessary that the labor has to be productive. It can be non-productive also, it can be a simple exercise. But some labor is very essential for the agility of the body, complete alertness of the mind, and total awakening of the being. This is the second part.

There can be a mistake in this part also. Just as one can make a mistake with one’s diet : either one eats too little or one eats too much, so a mistake can happen here also. Either one does not do labour at all or one does too much. Wrestlers do too much labor. They are in a sick state. A wrestler is not a healthy person. A wrestler is putting too much of a burden on the body ; he is raping the body. If the body is raped, then some parts of the body, some muscles, can be developed more. But no wrestler lives long! No wrestler dies in a healthy state.

Do you know this? All wrestlers — whether he is a Gama, or a Sandow, or anybody else with a great body, even the greatest in the world — die unhealthy. They die earlier and they die of violent diseases. Raping the body can swell the muscles and make the body worth looking at, worth exhibiting, but there is a great difference between exhibition and life. There is a great difference between living, being healthy and being an exhibitionist.

Each person should find out according to himself, according to his body, how much labor he should do to live more healthily and more freshly. The more fresh air there is inside the body, the more blissful each and every breath is, the more vitality a person has to explore the inner.

Simonbel, a French philosopher, has written a very wonderful thing in her autobiography. She said, “I was always sick until the age of thirty. I was unhealthy and I had many headaches. But it was only at the age of forty that I realized that until the age of thirty I was an atheist. I became healthy when I became a theist. Only later did I see that my being sick and unhealthy was related to my atheism.”

A person who is sick and unhealthy cannot be full of gratitude towards existence. There can be no thankfulness in him towards existence. There is only anger. It is impossible for such a person to accept something towards which he is full of anger. He simply rejects it. If one’s life does not attain a certain balance of health through right labor and right exercise, then it is natural that one will have some negativity, a resistance, an anger towards life.

Right labor is an essential rung on the ladder to ultimate theism.

Osho, The Inner Journey, Talk #3

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